
Sunday, February 9, 2020

Big Companies and Antitrust

All I am going to say is... are we really that surprised?
Since the beginning of time with search engines like Google and social media like Facebook, they have been violating their clients trust. In fact, it seems like that is the only thing they know how to do!

Image result for facebook logo        Image result for instagram logo    Image result for google logo

Since Google has blown up into the biggest search engine to date, I can not say that I am the least bit surprised that they would be dominating the market in ads. In my opinion, I think we all should have seen this coming. By now we all know that anything we search, anything we talk about, and basically anything we think is going to show up as an ad on some form of search engine or social media we are using. If anything, this is the thing we need to be worried about more! Technology spies on us everyday- our phones capture everything we say, our FBI agent sees us through our computer cameras, and our search engines and social media conveniently targets us with exactly what we want to buy and see; this has been going on for years. The fact that people are shocked, or taking issue with the fact that Google has a monopoly on certain ad companies really is not surprising and should not be an issue. As I said, we should have seen this coming. It is all part of the competitive world we live in today for big name brands to assert dominance over anything that will make their target market grow. If you ask me, there are way more serious things we should be worrying about other than whether or not google is taking up too many big ad companies or if Facebook is using our profiles when they arent supposed to- these are things we have been dealing with and already know. When you sign up for Facebook, it comes with making a profile that you know you are basically signing away any kind of rights you have. Am I saying this is okay? Absolutely not! However, is there really anything we can do to stop this? No. The big companies will always do whatever it is they want with no regard of anyone else.. kind of like a backstabbing friend.
If you have a huge problem with this, do not sign up for facebook in the first place. Delete your account, dont use instagram, or just avoid social media altogether. Honestly, you are better off anyway. The same thing goes for Google- if you have a problem with their advertising then just use Mozilla or Bing.

Something important to realize here is that you need to do whatever it is that you are comfortable with and will make you sleep better at night. Just do things for yourself and make your decisions that will benefit you and make you the happiest.

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