
Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Why We Never Hear Antiwar Voices

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War, what an ancient romantic past time. Well, I used to think so, anyway.

The thought of even the word war strikes panic into so many, including myself. Recently, when Trump announced there was a chance for a war with Iraq and people were worried about a draft, I was freaking out. Come to think of it, all I heard for weeks was that we were going to war and to worry about the draft to the point where it became a meme. However, the whole time that was going on, I never really heard any antiwar voices speaking out. On social media, especially at my age, I saw a lot of jokes and memes regarding the draft and how none of us wanted to go and how to get out of it, I never saw anyone seriously take a stance and express why they were antiwar or what to do about it. Maybe among people of my grandfather's generation, who already served a war, there were some antiwar voices, or even in my mom's generation, but I was not hearing about any of it.
Even on the news during that time, I did not hear any news anchor themselves or report on anyone who was antiwar. I did not hear any arguments against the war, but I heard a lot about pro-war views. However, I heard the most complaining and stressing out of everything, understandably.

My theory as to why we never hear antiwar voices present in the news or media is because of a crazy amount of censoring that no one will admit to, and because antiwar is not the conventional 'American' view. Do you ever realize to see an antiwar blog or read an antiwar article you have to dig for it? There is no coincidence with that. The government always wants its citizens on their side, they always want to come across as being correct or doing the right thing, and they do not like to hear any opposing opinions. Because of this, the government and media work together so you only see what they want you to see- to send you subliminal messages to think about the ways you can be on their side.  If the government wants to go to war, so do you!

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