
Thursday, January 30, 2020

Coronavirus? Whistleblowers?

Let me say this... WOW.

President Xi Jinping of China in the Great Hall of the People in December.

I thought reading this article was just going to give me more information on what the coronavirus is, how it was contracted, where it is spreading and how fast, etc. but I was very wrong.

Do not get me wrong, I know that China's government is terrible, but I do not think I realized to what capacity because I try and shield myself from that. From reading this article I learned that the coronavirus was started in China, in Wuhan, but I did not know that it was diagnosed and kept a secret....

A chinese doctor had diagnosed the virus and had said that he had in an online chat group. When Xi found out about that, the current leader, he disbanded the doctor and hatched a twisted plan to not inform any of China's citizens that it was contagious and in fact real!
Xi decided to keep the nature of the disease under wraps, endangering so many civilians. The few cases they had diagnosed were not in quarantine and were not being helped in a way that prevented further spreading of the disease. Because the citizens were in the dark, millions upon million were still traveling in and out of Wuhan while the infected were contaminating everything.
Xi decided to not tell the public, because that is what China does I suppose, and because of this 5  million people came in contact with the disease and could potentially have it.
Once this staggering knowledge was public, people were very upset with Xi.. rightfully so. After, doctors started finally quarantining the infected agents and trying to 'help' the situation.

The part of it all that really made me stand back and pick up my jaw from the floor was the fact that China had no idea this virus was there or spreading, but all of its neighboring countries did! Other countries knew the disease was in China, because China told everyone except their own people. Surrounding nations started to publicize this via social media and television, but China is so censored that all their social media and any way of them finding out was just blocked!
This has put a lot of people, especially journalists, in an outrage. But, it doesn't matter because China has the power to do that, and there is no harnessing that power. If you ask me, sounds like a violation of the first amendment....

Article Source:

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