
Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Online Privacy

Privacy? In this online day and age it really doesn't seem like we have any... or at times, it at least does not feel like it.
I almost dreaded learning about how the government and huge corporations use your information, and how frequently, and what for. I know it is so important to monitor your online presence, but in a century where everything is so technologically driven, it is so easy to give information up with the click of a button. Literally. I noticed when I started using my credit card for more online school related purchases, my MacBook would save my credit card information. Anytime I was at a checkout on any website, it would ask me, "Do you want to use this card ending in ****?" in a separate pop up window from the website. I understand technology like that was designed to help us out, or at least have us think so at the surface level, but it frightened me. I did not want my laptop remembering my card information. Plus, that is dangerous for me because it leads me to buy more and more because technology makes it so easy.

But if my MacBook knows my credit card number by heart, I am sure the corporations I buy from have that information stored somewhere too. The first TedTalk made an amazing comparison: social media and other online sources are just digital tattoos. Let that sink in! How scary is that? Something you do not want to think about or admit, I know I don't. But, it is true. Everything online is permanent and you have to be careful about what is put out there, like a credit card number! Anyone can look up anything about you, which I hate.

Much like what the second TedTalk was saying about the license plate reader cameras, I always thought they were red light cameras. And I think some of them are, but why not read your license plate and generate a virtual game of SIMS to play?? Edition? Your own life!
I.... I am not sure what to say here. I love writing these blog posts, but on a topic like this I just can't really say anything profound or anything that has not been said. Yes, it is scary that this is going on. No, it is not okay. But, what is anyone going to do about it? The sad and scary reality is, even if you live "off the grid" you can not escape from things like this because that is just what the world is now. It is sad, I know, and really screwed up, I agree, but I am just exasperated even thinking about what to do to help that because I just dont think there is anything.

In the end, you just need to do what is best for you. If you want to go off the grid, go for it. If you do not want social media, do not download it. If you do not want the gov to read your license plate, do not buy a car. But things like the last one are just so impractical that they put you in a corner. Plus, they will get you some other way. So, I say, just do what makes you happy. Just do not be a criminal and there really is no need to strike any immediate fear or panic into yourself or anyone else. We are all in the same boat here.

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