
Thursday, February 27, 2020

EOTO Presentations - YouTube

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YouTube is a platform that I use daily, no joke. Usually there is never a day that goes by that I do not pull up the YouTube App on my phone or stream it on my television. I absolutely love the platform and for a hot second I wanted to be a Youtuber. 

I just adore the platform. I was really intrigued to hear the history of it too because it has not been around for very long. YouTube started in 2005 and has grown into a multibillion dollar company since. Many young millennials jump start careers off of this platform as well. Since social media is becoming such a prevalent form of communication and entertainment investment, many teenagers and young adults find that it is easy to use and can make you money. 

From an economic standpoint, YouTube allows you to make money off of ads and sponsorships from brand that see the content you are making. Having a social media presence can get you very far with platforms like YouTube because brands want to see that and then invest money and time into you so you can be a face of the company. It reminds me of internet modeling almost. I think that if you can make a career for yourself by uploading videos to the internet, you should do it. It teaches you skills like video editing, sound editing, and picture editing. It also teaches you how to sensor yourself and be brand friendly, as well as manage yourself financially alone. So much more goes into having a YouTube channel than you may think, and if you can be successful doing so, you might as well try!

Something else that is great about the platform is that the content is endless. Ever heard of metaphorically jumping down a rabbit hole of a certain subject? Slime videos, tik toks, baking videos, fashion or make up videos, or even car videos. A huge trend in the content seen on YouTube is gaming now as well, especially with the invention and investment in VR, gamers can just record themselves playing video games or streaming and post it to make money. 

It can also teach you valuable lessons: like how to handle yourself professionally, dealing with brands and companies, as well as copyright material. Overall, especially for someone who is younger, it can teach a lot of valuable lessons while appealing to what the youngest generation knows best: social media advertising. 

Monday, February 24, 2020

EOTO Research - Telegram

Image result for telegraph

The Telegraph

Invented in the early 1800s by Samuel B Morse, the telegraph was revolutionary in both its time and now our time. 

Samuel Morse, with the help of Leonard Gale and Alfred Vail invented the telegraph together to revolutionize long distance communication.

Back in the ancient times of Greece, China, and Egypt long distance communication was marked by burning fires, beating drums, and sending smoke signals. Things like this, though developmental for their time, were impacted by things like weather and proximity. In the long run, it proved to be inefficient and was eventually phased out. Much like technology today, each time there is a new version of something we have, the old version is no longer. In with the new, out with the old, the saying goes. 
Much like the old times, Samuel Morse decided to invent the telegraph because of a similar situation. Upon sailing from Europe to America he had heard a story of Sir William Cooke and Charles Wheatstone who developed a bit of a telegraph themselves. Their telegraph was equipped with five magnetic needles pointing to various letters and numbers in a circle and when electrical current was applied, the force made the needles dance. Their telegraph was used mainly in the British Railroad System in order to communicate between trains. However, this ignited the genius in Morse and he decided to play around with a similar idea. 

Morse took the fascination of the information he heard while sailing and turned that into creating the first single circuit telegraph, with the help of Gale and Vale. The telegraph worked by pressing the operator key down to start the electrical current of a battery which traveled across a wire to the receiver at the other end. This revolutionized long distance communication as we know it because it allowed for reliable and safe transit of messages across distances as great as continents. In 1866, a wire was even laid down between America and Europe.

The impacts of the telegraph are endless, even today. Not only did we get a more reliable form of long distance communication, but that started the spark for inventors like Alexander Graham Bell to invent the telephone, or Alexander Bain to 
invent the first fax machine. From the telegraph we got new technology, but we also got a new form of communication: Morse Code, which revolutionized the U.S. being able to win wars. The telegraph also got us better and faster news, almost instantly, as well as money wiring. Many of these things, including Morse Code, we still use today and newer inventions we have would not even be possible without the invention of the telegraph. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Why We Never Hear Antiwar Voices

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War, what an ancient romantic past time. Well, I used to think so, anyway.

The thought of even the word war strikes panic into so many, including myself. Recently, when Trump announced there was a chance for a war with Iraq and people were worried about a draft, I was freaking out. Come to think of it, all I heard for weeks was that we were going to war and to worry about the draft to the point where it became a meme. However, the whole time that was going on, I never really heard any antiwar voices speaking out. On social media, especially at my age, I saw a lot of jokes and memes regarding the draft and how none of us wanted to go and how to get out of it, I never saw anyone seriously take a stance and express why they were antiwar or what to do about it. Maybe among people of my grandfather's generation, who already served a war, there were some antiwar voices, or even in my mom's generation, but I was not hearing about any of it.
Even on the news during that time, I did not hear any news anchor themselves or report on anyone who was antiwar. I did not hear any arguments against the war, but I heard a lot about pro-war views. However, I heard the most complaining and stressing out of everything, understandably.

My theory as to why we never hear antiwar voices present in the news or media is because of a crazy amount of censoring that no one will admit to, and because antiwar is not the conventional 'American' view. Do you ever realize to see an antiwar blog or read an antiwar article you have to dig for it? There is no coincidence with that. The government always wants its citizens on their side, they always want to come across as being correct or doing the right thing, and they do not like to hear any opposing opinions. Because of this, the government and media work together so you only see what they want you to see- to send you subliminal messages to think about the ways you can be on their side.  If the government wants to go to war, so do you!

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Big Companies and Antitrust

All I am going to say is... are we really that surprised?
Since the beginning of time with search engines like Google and social media like Facebook, they have been violating their clients trust. In fact, it seems like that is the only thing they know how to do!

Image result for facebook logo        Image result for instagram logo    Image result for google logo

Since Google has blown up into the biggest search engine to date, I can not say that I am the least bit surprised that they would be dominating the market in ads. In my opinion, I think we all should have seen this coming. By now we all know that anything we search, anything we talk about, and basically anything we think is going to show up as an ad on some form of search engine or social media we are using. If anything, this is the thing we need to be worried about more! Technology spies on us everyday- our phones capture everything we say, our FBI agent sees us through our computer cameras, and our search engines and social media conveniently targets us with exactly what we want to buy and see; this has been going on for years. The fact that people are shocked, or taking issue with the fact that Google has a monopoly on certain ad companies really is not surprising and should not be an issue. As I said, we should have seen this coming. It is all part of the competitive world we live in today for big name brands to assert dominance over anything that will make their target market grow. If you ask me, there are way more serious things we should be worrying about other than whether or not google is taking up too many big ad companies or if Facebook is using our profiles when they arent supposed to- these are things we have been dealing with and already know. When you sign up for Facebook, it comes with making a profile that you know you are basically signing away any kind of rights you have. Am I saying this is okay? Absolutely not! However, is there really anything we can do to stop this? No. The big companies will always do whatever it is they want with no regard of anyone else.. kind of like a backstabbing friend.
If you have a huge problem with this, do not sign up for facebook in the first place. Delete your account, dont use instagram, or just avoid social media altogether. Honestly, you are better off anyway. The same thing goes for Google- if you have a problem with their advertising then just use Mozilla or Bing.

Something important to realize here is that you need to do whatever it is that you are comfortable with and will make you sleep better at night. Just do things for yourself and make your decisions that will benefit you and make you the happiest.