
Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Eight Values of Free Expression

Image result for check on governmental power

I think the most important value of free expression is #5- Check on Governmental Power. 

Even in light of recent events, I think this reigns true too, now more than ever. Recently we have had too many instances where people are outright abused because the government is limiting our free speech and putting people in jail because of it- like Julian Assange. If he had secrets to expose from the American Government, he should have every right to freely say what he found, especially if it is true and did happen. What is unfair is that the government can get into any scandal they want, and never reveal any of the truth regarding it and punish those who try to provide insight and sometimes, justice. 

Since the American Citizens are supposed to be part of the governmental process, we deserve to speak freely and publish freely the truth, because that is the point, and a law. As citizens, we get left out of the government processes the most, and we get overlooked, and a lot of the time if we are involved, it is just for looks, for the government to say, "well, we did include them," even if they do not take a word of what we are saying into account. 

If the government keeps coming after the press for doing their job- reporting the truth, then how are we going to be the check- and- balances system we were designed for as our role in government? Something, actually much of this, does not seem fair. 

For example, even with the most recent world shut down due to the coronavirus... we are not allowed to publish anything without the government coming in and saying it is not true, because they do not want to expose what is going on. On the outside, it seems like a crazy virus that has come from China by 'accident' and happened to blow so violently out of proportion, we needed to go as far as shutting down whole businesses and colleges, but that is just what they want it to seem like. Many believe that the chinese government released the virus on purpose, and it was brought over to America on purpose, and our governments are in kahoots with each other. Both governments had ulterior motives when it came to this virus. There is a battle going on between the good and the bad in power, but can we, as citizens, do anything about it? No! We can not even leave the house, let alone voice out. 

The government finally found a way to contain all their citizens in one place, shut everything down by their own 'power,' and it was through fear. Something like this situation would be perfect for the press and reporters to expose the truth about, but I doubt that will ever happen. The government should not have the power to shut down whole entire states, governments, and even the country. Travel is not available, crossing state lines is frowned upon, there are curfews in many states up north (mine included), and major cities are just ghost towns. Supermarkets dont have toilet paper, enough food, or paper products to sustain those who need it. Everything is a mess, and at times like this is when we need the press to come out and tell the truth about the shady business that is going on. 

However, time and time again the government proves they have ultimate power because they always have a way to shut people up. I think Check on Governmental Power is one of the most important values of free expression, but it also gets crapped on the most. I wish it was enforced more, because the citizens should be equally as part of the government as congress or the president, but they are not. There always has been, and probably always will be, corrupt power in the government that dominates everyone and all else. This is exactly why we get into scandals like Watergate and Clintongate, because we should be allowed to check the governments power, keep them in line, and then we try and get shut down and shut up. Something does not seem right about that to me.... 

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Trump Says Coronavirus Death Rate is Less Than 3.4%

But only based on a hunch. President Donald Trump at a coronavirus briefing with Airline CEOs in the Roosevelt Room of the White House on Wednesday.

On Yahoo News this morning I saw an article that caught my attention- Trump claiming that the death rate of the coronavirus is less than 3.4%, but only based on a hunch he had with what he was observing. He thinks that the coronavirus death rate is really 'a fraction of 1%' and we should not worry as much about it as we are.

As comforting as that is for some people to hear, I do not think there is really that much hard evidence to back up that claim. A valid point he did make was that many of the people who have corona do not actively seek medical care or testing to help themselves. Now, that may be because people can not afford it, or they think they maybe just have the regular flu, but nonetheless I wouldn't say that is reason to say it is below 1% death rate.

In total, the article claims that there are about 150 cases reported in the U.S., being very isolated in Washington State and California. There are 10 cases reported that lead to death in Washington State, and one case so far in California that has lead to death.

Originally, the 3.4% death rate was conjured up by The World Health Organization, taking into account the number of confirmed COVID- 19 diagnosis and deaths.

 Business Insider also came forward and said that many of the more mild cases of Corona go unnoticed and unreported, but the farther it spreads the milder the cases are going to get, which is why Trump said that the percentage was lower than what the World Health Organization reported, but he just made up the less than 1% statistic, Business Insider does not fully understand where he got that from.

Something that may appease the public to know is that the more cases of corona we get, the more less likely they are to cause death. Business Insider thinks that the more cases we get, the milder they will be, and the longer they are present in the world, the less detrimental they will be, which means less death rates and less severe cases.

Personally, I am not sure what to make of this. It is comforting to know that the cases are getting milder, but it is uneasy to hear how fast it is spreading, and I think that is what is instilling so much fear into the public. I am hoping the U.S., since we have good health care, is going to be able to make the cases we do have get better, or eliminate further cases so they do not spread to more states. It makes me uneasy to travel, and I have a flight home to New Jersey this weekend where there was a confirmed case of Coronavirus in the airport I am flying into when the virus first started to spread.

Even though Trump pulled that 'fraction of 1% death rate' statistic out of thin air, I really do hope he is right.